Synopsis:The film tells the story of Blake Pellarin, played by Hurt, who is a glamorous, womanizing, self-destructing Vietnam vet who's on the brink of becoming president (now governor of Louisiana in Hickenlooper's adaptation). The film also spotlights Pellarin's dealings with his mentor Kim Menaker, played by Hawthorne, who is a former member of Roosevelt's inner circle and a closet homosexual who has fallen in love with the younger man without telling him. It also explores Pellarin's relationship with his ambitious, unhappy wife and an enquiring journalist. The film was budgeted at $5.5 million and filming started on June 28th, 1998 in St. Louis and Los Angeles.
Articles:"Reaching for the Big Brass Ring" by F.X. Feeney (co-writer/director)"As Welles Put It: 'Just Wait Till I Die'" "Down to Brass Tracks", LA Times
Reviews:Nitrate Online*The Los Angeles Independent Film Festival LA Times |